Discover the NESA Difference

Testimonials from professional artists, current students, and aspiring creatives

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    Future NESA student Adam explains why he is excited to attend an arts school.

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    Noah Kahan

    Noah shares why the Upper Valley is the perfect place to start an arts school.

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    Natascia Diaz

    Natascia expresses why an arts-based education is more important than ever.

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    Bruce Adolphe

    Famous conductor, composer and educator Bruce Adolphe emphasizes how the arts help us to connect with the world and how integral the arts are to the traditionally core academic subject areas.

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    Filippo Ciabatti

    Maestro Ciabatti emphasizes the importance of a new, innovative arts school in the upper valley.

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    Emily Saliers

    Emily Saliers from the Indigo Girls speaks to why an arts-based education is essential.

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    Janai Brugger

    Metropolitan Opera House soprano Janai Brugger shares why she went into the arts and why they are more important than ever right now.

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    Hans Williams

    Soulful singer/songwriter Hans Williams speaks to the power of an integrated arts curriculum.

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    Samantha Gibbs

    Samantha Gibbs, Upper Valley student, stresses how she would have attended a private arts high school if given the chance when she was in high school.

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    Broadway Kids Choir student Molly shares her perspective on why she loves singing in the chorus and supports NESA.

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    Broadway Kids Choir student Maddy emphasizes why the arts make her feel alive and connected.