Applying to NESA
Feel free to contact us with any questions as you navigate through the application process. We're here to assist you at every step!
1. Get to Know NESA
• Learn more about our educational approach
• Attend an Admissions Open House
Schedule a family visit or shadow a student
• Email Us with any questions
2. Prepare Your Materials
Read more below about the application requirements, which differ slightly depending on grade level and artistic discipline. All NESA applicants must submit a personal statement (written or video recorded), portfolio, and two references.
3. Complete Your Application
Once you’ve compiled your application materials, submit them using the application form. The only piece of your application that is not submitted through the form are your letters of reference, which writers should submit via email. We are accepting applications for incoming 6th - 12th graders and reviewing materials on a rolling basis – there is no application deadline.
4. Apply for Financial Aid
NESA partners with School and Student Services (SSS) in our financial aid process. The organization’s Parent Financial Statement tool assesses a family’s level of financial need based on the information that families share in the application which includes assets, income, expenses, and debts.
• Learn more about NESA’s Financial Aid Process
• Complete the Parents’ Financial Statement
5. Interview
Within two weeks of submitting your application, Head of School Jennifer Chambers will reach out to schedule an interview. This conversation will give you a chance to share more about your interest in joining our community and help us get to know you better.
Submitting Your Application
1. Personal Statement
In written (400-500 words) or video (2-3 minutes) format, please answer the following prompt: Tell us about who you are as a person, artist and learner. Why are you interested in attending NESA, and what will you bring to our learning environment?
2. Portfolio
High school applicants applying to a particular artistic discipline should view the discipline-specific instructions outlined below. Upload all supplements directly into the application form where prompted.
High school applicants without a particular artistic discipline, and all middle school applicants, should submit a portfolio that showcases a variety of artistic mediums. Select “general application” when you get to that question in the application.
3. Letters of Reference
Ask two people who can speak to your academic, artistic, and character qualities. These can be current teachers, coaches, instructors or other mentors who you have worked with within the past year. Recommenders should email their letters to admissions@nesarts.org with the subject line: “Recommendation: Student Name".”
Discipline-Specific Supplement Instructions
Your instrumental supplement should consist of the following components:
Video Recordings: Please submit video recordings of you performing two or three contrasting movements or short works. The works should include selections from at least two different musical periods (ex: Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century, Contemporary). A live accompanist is preferred.
Your vocal supplement should consist of the following components:
Video Recordings: Please submit video recordings of you performing two art songs and one aria or musical theater selection of your choice. You will be submitting a total of three vocal pieces. A live accompanist is preferred.
Your music composition supplement should consist of the following components:
Original Composition: Please submit one original composition. Arrangements of previously composed pieces or improvisation based on composed pieces will not be accepted. The composition may be written for NO MORE than six performers, and may be between 1 - 5 minutes in length.
Music teachers and /or musical mentors may assist students in notating or recording the pieces but the pieces must remain true to the original composition and represent the students' work.
Your acting supplement should consist of the following components:
Three Video Recordings: Please submit video recordings of you performing three monologues.
1-2 minute comedic monologue
1-2 minute dramatic monologue
1-2 minute classical monologue
Your musical theatre supplement should consist of the following components:
Three Video Recordings: Please submit video recordings of your performing 1. A memorized monologue of your choice (comedic or dramatic). 2. One 16-bar (one-minute portion) of a song from standard musical theatre repertoire (make sure this highlights the best aspects of your voice) 3. One 1-minute sample of movement or dance. The selection should represent your skill-level.
Your theatre design and production supplement should consist of the following components:
Portfolio: Submissions should include samples of your skill as a designer. Please submit between 4 and 6 samples and descriptions of sketches, photos, theatrical production images, or other samples that represent who you are as an artist.
Please submit one video for each of the following components:
1. Intro: Prior to beginning your barre work, please introduce yourself briefly by saying your name, age and where you are from.
2. Center Floor Work: Adagio, Pirouette combination, Small jump combination, Grand allegro, Men- Grand Tour
3. Ballet variation, contemporary or classical
4. Modern phrase of music: 24-32 counts
5. Pointe work (if applicable), Echappés, Pirouettes on pointe, Diagonal turning combination
Your visual arts supplement should consist of the following components:
1. Portfolio: Five pieces of artwork that represent your artistic interests and demonstrate your technical skills and abilities. The artistic platform is at your discretion. It could be a sculpture, a painting, digital art etc.
2. Foundational Evidence: One to three drawings from observation. Please use jpeg format.
Your creative writing supplement should consist of the following components:
Writing Work Submitted: Include a minimum of two pieces of original work written or revised in the last year. The pieces must represent at least two of the following genres:
Poetry: Your sample should include 1-4 poems.
Fiction: Your sample should include 1-3 stories, novel or story excerpts, or flash fiction pieces. Each piece should be fewer than 3,500 words.
Personal Essay/Memoir: Your sample should include 1-3 essays. Each piece should be fewer than 3,500 words.
Screenwriting: Your sample should be fewer than 20 pages.
Playwriting: Your sample should be fewer than 20 pages.
Hybrid genre: Your sample should include 1-3 pieces. Each piece should be fewer than 3,500 words.
You may also include select submissions in other mediums that showcase your interdisciplinary interests.
Applicants who submit genre fiction (science fiction, fantasy, etc.) are encouraged to also submit a sample of more realistic fiction. No single submission should be longer than 4,000 words.
Don’t have a specific area of study? No problem. Our general application invites applicants to submit a portfolio that showcases a variety of artistic mediums.
Your general application portfolio should include a minimum of four pieces of original work created or revised during the last year in the artistic mediums you are interested in. These include but are not limited to music, acting/theatre, creative writing and visual arts.
Recording Your Video Supplements
For many of the artistic disciplines, applicants are required to submit a video supplement. Please upload these files directly into the application form where prompted.
How to Shoot the Video
1. Make sure the lighting is good.
2. Be sure that your whole body is in the frame.
3. Cell phone recordings are perfectly acceptable assuming the audio and visual are clear.
Discipline-Specific Instructions
Dance & Musical Theatre
Space: Please be sure there is adequate room to move.
Non-Binary, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Students:
Please mix and match from the below options in order to find the dance attire that feels productive, protective and comfortable for you to work in.
Female Students:
Ballet: Black leotards, pink tights with feet (tights may not be rolled up below the calves), brassiere, hair pulled back neatly. No ponytails. Shoes: Flesh-tone or pink ballet slippers with elastic.
Contemporary/Modern: Black leotards, black tight, brassiere. Shoes: Bare feet
Jazz/Tap: Black leotards, black tights, brassiere. Shoes: Jazz shoes – please be prepared to use both flat oxford and character with 2” heels.
Male Students:
Ballet: Black tights (either full footed with black shoes or cut with thin white socks, white shoes), white or black t-shirt, dance belt, and belt for tights. Shoes: Must have elastics.
Contemporary/Modern: Black tights, white or black t-shirt, dance belt. Shoes: Bare feet
Jazz/Tap: Shoes: Jazz pants or black tights. Dance belt. Jazz shoes.
Prior to performing: Please state your name, character and the play your monologue is from prior to performing.
Instrumental and Vocal
Accompaniment: Please use a live accompanist for the recording. They do not need to be in the frame for the video.
Prior to performing: Please state your name and the piece you will be performing.
Attire: Please dress up. No jeans or sneakers. Conservative taste requested.
Please email NESA Head of School at jenniferchambers@nesarts.org with any questions about how to film or submit your supplementary materials.