Course Offerings
English 6
The sixth-grade English curriculum is guided by the Common Core Learning Standards and includes instruction in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. In reading, teachers focus on supporting students with comprehension and fluency through a balance of genres and a balance between instructional level and rigorous texts. In writing, teachers focus on supporting students with the writing process, writing across a variety of genres, using textual evidence in writing and discovering their voice as writers.
English 7
Seventh-grade English students engage critically with challenging texts and ideas.. They read a variety of literature (classic novels, short stories, poetry, Shakespeare, informational texts, and modern literature) and analyze methods used by authors to create unique reader experiences. Students will research and establish connections between 20th Century American culture and comic book culture. They will work to prove society’s influence on their character’s actions, values, or creation story. Students will be challenged to write clearly, creatively and express ideas supported by evidence.
English 8
The objective of eighth-grade English is to prepare students for high school level English. The majority of time will be spent on further strengthening writing, grammar, and punctuation skills. Additionally, we will also work on reading competencies and literary analysis through the framework of civil rights and empathy. A high level of emphasis is placed on community and cooperation in learning, as well as self-advocacy and participation; these skills will be taught, practiced, and assessed on an equal basis with the other academic language arts skills.
English 9
This course is centered around the various genres of writing and designed for students who plan to go to a four or two-year college, technical school, job training or work force. It is preparation for upper-level English courses. The course is also connected to the 9th grade Geography and World Cultures Courses. Literature—including novels, short stories, and poems—are studied and are the basis for many of the writing assignments and projects. Grammar, vocabulary, and the writing process are integral and everyday aspects. The student’s acceptance of responsibility for his/her own work, in addition to organization skills and study habits, will be reinforced all year.
Students will read literature that focuses on the transition to adolescence, focusing on themes of identity, individuality, and the influence society and culture can have on an individual. Students will explore the formation of friendships, familial relationships, and the effects personal choice can have on an individual.
English 10
English 10 is focused on World Literature and closely connected to the 10th Grade World History Curriculum. The course builds upon the skills introduced in English 9. A multitude of informational text in addition to four to five novels will be read over the course of the year. Grammar and vocabulary will continue to be parts of the curriculum practiced mainly through writing. Study habits and organizational skills are again reinforced throughout the course of the year. Class participation and completion of work are the foundation of the student’s grades.
Students will read literature in all forms to gain an understanding of differences between American society and world societies as a means of discovering more the fundamental similarities between societies. Students will construct a definition of what society is, the effect that society has on the individual, and vice versa.
English 11
The American Literature course is a survey of American Literature. This course is also closely connected with our 11th Grade American History Course. Short stories, informational text, novels, and poetry will be the backbone of the workload and will drive all other aspects of the course. Writing assignments, projects, grammar, and vocabulary will be based on the reading selections. Students should expect to and be capable of working independently on some assignments; motivation and focus are qualities emphasized and strengthened throughout the course. Work on the computer with Microsoft programs and the Internet will be mandatory for at least three of the major assignments. An ongoing research paper/project is worked on during the year.
Students will read, analyze, and discuss a variety of literature, including fiction; non-fiction; poetry; and drama written by American authors from different time periods.
English 12
The British and European Literature course is a survey of European and British Literature. This course is closely connected to our 12th grade World History Course. Informational text, short stories, novels, and poetry will be the backbone of the workload and will drive all other aspects of the course. Writing assignments, projects, grammar, and vocabulary will be based on the reading selections. Students should expect to and be capable of working independently on some assignments; motivation and focus are qualities emphasized and strengthened throughout the course. Computer work will be an everyday part of the course; several of the major assignments will require internet and PowerPoint presentations.
Students will read and analyze selections from a variety of European and British authors throughout history. Students will gain an understanding of language as something that can change over time and is still changing even in the present. Students will also practice writing college entrance essays.